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Les répliques s4 Fr

Episode 4.01

Lisbon : Écoute, on a un sérieux problème.
Jane : Oui, j'attendais vraiment un muffin avec impatience.



Episode 4.02

Jane : Allez. Est-ce que je t’ai déjà baladé ?
Rigsby : Récemment ?



Episode 4.03

Rigsby : Les docteurs ont dit ce que tu avais ?
Cho : Oui, j'ai été heurté par une voiture.



Episode 4.15

Grace : Tu sais les autres m'appelaient "Bracie Gracie" parce que j'ai porté un appareil dentaire jusqu'à 17 ans. Et toi, comment ils t'appelaient ?
Cho : Cho.



Episode 4.20

Lisbon : Onze ans dans une école catholique et je ne me suis jamais retrouvée dans le bureau du directeur.
Jane : C'est parce que tu es une horrible petite fille modèle.
Lisbon: Je ne dis pas que je n'ai jamais fait de bêtises. Je ne me suis juste jamais fait prendre.




Episode 4.22

Officier Anson : Où est-ce que vous allez ?
Jane : A la librairie.
Officier Anson : C'est un bar.
Jane fait un signe de la main comme quoi c'est pareil.

Ecrit par LAurore 

Les répliques s4 US

Episode 4.01

Lisbon : Listen, we’ve got a serious problem.

Jane : Yeah, I was really looking forward to a muffin.


Lisbon : I have a bad feeling about this.

Jane : Well, you’ve been shot. You’re bound to have a gloomy outlook. Ignore your feelings.


Cho : You hear that ?

Rigsby : What ?

Cho : Sound of a struggle, coming from inside the apartment.

Rigsby : Oh yeah. I do. Someone might be in danger.

Cho : Yeah.

Cho breaks the door.


Rigsby : Security guard’s dead. Hair dryer in the bathtub.

Lisbon : Could it be an accident ?

Rigsby : Well, it could be. Except the dead guy’s bald, near enough. So what would he use a hair dryer for ?


Episode 4.02

Haffner (to Jane): Any toughts ?

Jane : Yeah. "The years teach us patience. The shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting."

Agent Niskin : That's pretty deep. Is it Buddha ?

Jane : Elizabeth Taylor.


Agent Masterson : You hypnotized me ?

Jane : That's absurd. You know that only weak-minded and easily manipulated people can be hypnotized.

Masterson : Yeah, we're leaving.


Jane : Come on. When have I steered you wrong ?

Rigbsy : Recently ?


Jane and the team talk to Lisbon about their plan.

Lisbon : No. No. No.

Jane : Don't be hasty.

Lisbon : I will deal you with in a minute.


Lisbon (to her team) : Tell him [Haffner] it was all Jane's fault.

Jane : Oh, well that hardly seems fair.


Lisbon (to Jane) : I could kill you with my bare hands.



Episode 4.03

Pseudo medium : Halleluiah.

Jane : Amen.


Jane : I was thinking love is strange. And I was thinking about a sandwich.



Episode 4.04

Luther Wainwright (to Jane and Lisbon) : You two want me to believe that a man who confessed to murder did nothing and a man who did nothing is a murderer.

Jane : You may even be smarter than you look.


Jane (to Rigsby) : You’ll be fine, just don’t be yourself.


Jane : Observe Agent Rigsby, as neurotic as a border collie, he can’t stop touching his face.


Jane (to Wainright, about Tibbs) : See, you’re normal. That man has the conscience of a mollusk.


Cho (to Tibbs) : Hey, how’re you doing. You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of…everybody.


Episode 4.05

Lisbon (to Sarah Harridan) : You’re meaner than you look.

Rigsby (to Sarah, his girlfriend) : Yeah, you are.

Sarah : I try.


Episode 4.06

Tommy : Can you watch Annie ?

Lisbon : Are you kidding ? No. No.

Tommy : This is really dangerous work I'm doing. Your office is a lot safer than my van, right? Besides, she needs some female time. Her mom's such a freaking wackadoo, and you know, I'm a guy.

Lisbon, wincing : Damn it, Tommy.

Tommy : Annie! You're spending the day with your aunt Teresa! Come on! Get your bag!

Annie : Cool.

Tommy : It is on, sis. May the best man win.

Lisbon : Oh man.


Tommy (to Lisbon) : Annie–She is sorry, she just won’t admit it. Who does that remind you of ?


Jane : Live and let live, you’ll all be happier.

Lisbon : Mind your own business !


Annie : Aunt Teresa, you get paid to carry a glock, you beat up people when they get out of line, you’re totally badass.


Rigsby : Doctor say what the problem is ?

Cho : Yeah. Getting hit by a car.


Episode 4.07

Lisbon (to Jane) : Working on a computer, what’s next ? Rayguns ? Teleporters ?


Episode 4.08

Summer to Cho : Pinky swear ?


Jane : I’m really disappointed about my shoes.


Episode 4.10

Jane : Are we sleeping together ?

Lisbon : Excuse me ?

Jane : Well, you're a cop, that's obvious, but you're not treating me like a suspect. And I can't see any other reason for a police officer to come to my bedside unless we're--unless we're sleeping together.

Lisbon : You don't know who I am?

Jane : Please don't take it personally. I'm sure you're quite memorable. I just--I-I've been through a lot... apparently.

Lisbon : No. We are not sleeping together.

Jane : We're working toward it, though, right ? So I haven't missed anything ? What's your name ?

Lisbon : Are you putting me on ?


Jane : Thanks, Bigsby.

Rigsby : Rigsby. It's Wayne Rigsby.


Rigsby : We're a team. We help each other out.

Jane : Well, in that case, Wayne, what's the best way in with the luscious redhead ?

Rigbsy : Van Pelt ?

Jane : Well, clearly you two had a thing, and she dumped you, but maybe you can share a tip on how to open the cookie jar, you know? Get some, uh... tasty gingersnaps?

Rigsby : Oh. You want a tip?

Jane nods.

Rigsby : Back off.

Jane : I thought we were a team.


Lisbon : Are you gonna make me call backup to get you out of this bar ? Because I will do that, Paddy.


Lisbon (to Jane) : All right. Well, let me know if you change your mind, or, you know, get it back.


Episode 4.11

Lisbon : At least he was dead, you know, when the shark ate him.


Episode 4.12

Porchetto Sr (about Jane and Lisbon) : This is who they send to find my boy’s killer. A girl and a guy in a vest.


Episode 4.13

Cho (about the feather they found in the victim mouth) : It came from his mouth.

Jane : Yes, before it was in his mouth.


Lisbon : Did it ever occur to you that I might actually want to go to the meeting ?

Jane : No it didn’t. Do you ?

Lisbon : No. But it’s the principle.


Jane (surprise by the murderer identity) : You ?!

Lisbon : You’re losing your touch.

Jane : Don’t be ridiculous the trick worked exactly as I intended. It didn’t matter which one I thought it was, that’s how a good trick works.


Episode 4.14

Lisbon : You’re the boss on this one.

Jane : Okay, don’t be like that.

Lisbon : Like what ?! It’s what you want.

Jane : What I want is a little smile.

Lisbon : Well you can’t have everything !


Gloria, an old woman, to Jane : Step away from the door, blondie.


Gloria : What makes you think I want a consultant in my house ?

Jane : How about a real cop, I got a real cop across the street. 


Summer : Is it just me or do you look impressed ?

Cho : No, it’s just you.


Rigsby : My name is Wayne Rigsby. Why I’m talking with an Irish accent I don’t really know.


Summer (speaking into her wire) : Testing, testing one two. Kimball Cho is a wallaby.



Episode 4.15

Grace: You know kids used to call me "Bracie Gracie" because I wore braces until I was 17. What did people call you?

Cho: Cho.




Episode 4.19



Jane : "... what I'm going to say might look a little bit crazy, but ... trust me. It is the only way."


Teresa : " Oh he said 'Crazy idea'?"

Cho: " He said 'Trust me'".

Rigsby: "Always a bad sign ..."



Episode 4.20

Lisbon: 11 years in Catholic school, and I never got sent to the principal's office once.

Jane: Well, that's because you're a boring goody-two-shoes.

Lisbon: I didn't say I never did anything bad. I just never got caught.

Ecrit par LAurore 
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